SiChuan Tourist attractions
- Jiuzhaigou
- Huanglong
- Mount Emei
- Leshan Giant Buddha
- Dujiangyan
- QingChengshan
- Panda Base
- Sanxingdui Museum
- Wuhou Temple
- ZiGong Salt Industry History Museum
- Wanjusri Memorial Archway
- Du Fu Thatched Cottage
Sichuan Tours Itineraries
- Chengdu Panda 1-Day Tour
- 2-Days Leshan and Emeishan tour
- 3-Days Huanglong Jiuzhaigou By Air
- Hailuogou 3-Day Private Tour
Manjusri Memorial Archway Travel
tourists in Manj usri Memorial Archway thcmcmoryofoldChcngdu.
It used to be the mansion of Li Zhuxi, Ba Jin'sgran d fath er,theresideneofthehost of the Ai Dao Hall, Ma's residence of the heir to the professional firm furnishing arrned escort and the Jia's residence and Hu's residence. The fivc ancicntcourtyards, renovated in a scction of "Chengdu Assembly Hall" area, have actually turn out to be the cultural museum of the civilian housing in westcrn Sichuan.
Old folk arrs such as pinwheel, clay figureand sweetcake,remindu s o falot of nicc days. The Chcngdu Temple Street, positioned at the junction between Wuyuegong Street and Baiyunsi Street, exhibits the old folk customs ofChengdu, and completely illustrates the ncw commercial charm and folk stunt ofold Chengdu culture,by demonstrating modern cuisine,and integratingtourism,shopping,leisure,business, performance, catering,exhibitingandexperiencing.
By crossing the time-space limits and adopting the recreation concept of participation and experience,Manj usriMemorialArchway displays Chengdu's particular leisure style,buildingupa Brand NewWorld for the culturaland recreationindustry。